Prof. Vivek Sangwan Publications
S. Wadhwa, P.D. Suthar, V. Sangwan, Simulation Study to Test Feasibility of a Planar Teleoperated Linkage for Qualitative Stiffness Sensing with Communication Delays, 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2020,
P. Jain and V. Sangwan, Generation and Control of Impulsive Forces by a Planar Bi-Rotor Aerial Vehicle through a Cable Suspended Mass, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2020,
V. R. Mittal and V. Sangwan, Contact Force and Position Tracking with a Planar Aerial Manipulator, Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2019,
V. Sangwan and S.K. Agrawal,, "Effects of Viscous Damping on Differential Flatness-Based Control for a Class of Under-Actuated Planar Manipulators,", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2018,
R. Bhirangi and V. Sangwan, Motion Planning for Handspring Maneuver using a Two Link Robot, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2018,
P. Shah and V. Sangwan, Study of Symmetric Solutions of an Underactuated Bipedal Robot, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2018,
V. Sangwan and S.K. Agrawal, Robustness of a flatness based controller against parametric uncertainties for a class of under-actuated planar manipulators, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2017,
J.C. Ryu, V. Sangwan, and S.K. Agrawal, Differentially Flat Designs of Under-Actuated Mobile Manipulators, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, 2010,
J. Franch, S.K. Agrawal, and V. Sangwan, Differential Flatness of a Class of Planar n-DOF Robot Manipulators Driven by 1 or 2 Actuators, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,, 2010,
S.K. Agrawal, V.N. Dubey, J.J. Gangloff, E.B. Brackbill, and V. Sangwan, Optimization and Design of a Cable Driven Upper Arm Exoskeleton, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 2009,
V. Sangwan and S.K. Agrawal, Differentially Flat Designs of Bipeds Ensuring Limit Cycles, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2009,
S.K. Agrawal, V.N. Dubey, J. Gangloff, E. Brackbill, and V. Sangwan, Design and Optimization of a Cable Driven Upper Arm Exoskeleton, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2009,
V. Krishnamoorthy, W.L. Hsu, T.M. Kesar, D. Benoit, S.K. Banala, R. Perumal, V. Sangwan, S.A. Binder-Macleod, S.K. Agrawal, and J.P. Scholz, Gait Training After Stroke: A Pilot Study Combining a Gravity-Balanced Orthosis, Functional Electrical Stimulation, and Visual Feedback, Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy, 2008,
S.K. Agrawal and V. Sangwan, Differentially Flat Designs of Underactuated Open-Chain Planar Robots, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2008,
V. Sangwan, H. Kuebler, and S.K. Agrawal,, Differentially Flat Design of Underactuated Planar Robots: Experimental Results, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2008,
S.K. Agrawal, S.K. Banala, K. Mankala, V. Sangwan, J.P. Scholz, V. Krishnamoorthy, and W.L. Hsu, xoskeletons for Gait Assistance and Training of Motor-Impaired, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2007,
J.C. Ryu, V. Sangwan, and S.K. Agrawal, Differentially Flat Designs of Mobile Vehicles with Underactuated Manipulator Arms,, Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2007,
V. Sangwan and S. K. Agrawal,, Differentially Flat Designs of Bipeds Ensuring Limit Cycles, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2007,
A. Agrawal, V. Sangwan, S.K. Banala, S.K. Agrawal, and S. Binder-Macleod, Design of a Novel Two Degree-of-Freedom Ankle-Foot Orthosis,, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2007,
S. Mukherjee, V. Sangwan, A. Taneja, and B. Seth, Stability of an Under-Actuated Bipedal Gait, Biosystems, 2007,
S.K. Agrawal, S.K. Banala, A. Fattah, V. Sangwan, V. Krishnamoorthy, J.P. Scholz, and W.L. Hsu, Assessment of Motion of a Swing Leg and Gait Rehabilitation with a Gravity Balancing Exoskeleton,, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,, 2007,
V. Sangwan and S.K. Agrawal,, Generation of Leg-Like Motion and Limit Cycles with an Underactuated Two DOF Linkage,, Proceedings of the First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006,
V. Sangwan and S.K. Agrawal, Leg-Like Motion with an Underactuated Two DOF Linkage Using Differential Flatness, Proceedings of American Control Conference, 2006,
S.K. Agrawal and V. Sangwan,, Design of Under-Actuated Open-Chain Planar Robots for Repetitive Cyclic Motions, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2006,
V. Sangwan, A. Taneja and S. Mukherjee, Design of a robust self excited biped walking mechanism, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2004,
A. Taneja, V. Sangwan and S. Mukherjee, Case study of Energy Flow in Cyclic Systems: Walking Machine, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2004,
V. Sangwan, A. Taneja, and S. Mukherjee, Design of a Robust Self Excited Biped Walking Mechanism, Proceedings of National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, 2003,