ME Department
F 09matrey 'at' [figure this out if you are not a bot]
Prof. Milind Atrey
Refrigeration,Cryogenic Engineering,Cryocoolers, Cryogenic Heat Exchangers,
Two phase flow heat transfer, Cooling of superconducting magnets,
MRI Cryogenics
Ramalingam R., Atrey M.D., Theoretical analysis and coating thickness determination of a dual layer metal coated FBG sensor for sensitivity enhancement at cryogenic temperatures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Shukla A.K., Sridharan A., Atrey M.D, Investigation of transient chill down phenomena in tubes using liquid nitrogen, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,
Bhojwani V., Inamdar A., Lele M., Tendolkar M., Atrey M., Bapat S., Narayankhedkar K, Opposed piston linear compressor driven two-stage Stirling Cryocooler for cooling of IR sensors in space application,Cryogenics, 2017,
Patankar A.S., Atrey M.D., Construction of Joule Thomson inversion curves for mixtures using equation of state, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,, 2017,
Dev A.A., Atrey M.D., Vanapalli S, Investigation of the effect of a bend in a transfer line that separates a pulse tube cold head and a pressure wave generator, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017,