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Prof. Dipanshu

Associate Professor

ME Department
F 40

dipanshu 'at'


Prof. Dipanshu Bansal

  • Heat Transfer, Combustion and Energy Systems
  • Materials Modeling and Characterization
  • Robotics, Acoustics, Dynamics and Control
  • Solid and Fluid Mechanics

Non-Fourier Heat Transfer (in nanomaterials and from nano heat sources such as transistors)

Design of sub-K heat exchangers used in Dilution Refrigerators

Ultrafast temperature measurements

Ultrafast measurement of heat transfer using optical and x-ray spectroscopy (femto-to-nanosecond time scale)

Ultrafast evolution of structural/magnetic/electrical phase transitions in ferroelectrics, multiferroics, thermoelectric, battery materials (superionic conductors), photovoltaics, and quantum materials (femto-to-nanosecond time scale)

Thermal transport and phase transition of nuclear materials

Thermodynamics of phase transitions

Direct probing of atoms, electrons, electron spins and their dynamics using neutrons, x-rays, and optical spectroscopy



IIT Kanpur (2006-2010)

SUNY Buffalo (2010-2014)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2014-2017)
Duke University (2017-2018)

J.L. Niedziela,* D. Bansal,* A. May, J. Ding, T. Lanigan-Atkins, G. Ehlers, D.L. Abernathy, A. Said, and O. Delaire, Selective breakdown of phonon quasiparticles across superionic transition in CuCrSe2,Nature Physics, 2018,
S. Muy, J.C. Bachman, L. Giordano, H.-H. Chang, D.L. Abernathy, D. Bansal, O. Delaire, S. Hori, R. Kanno, F. Maglia, S. Lupart, P. Lamp, and Y.S.-Horn, Tuning Mobility and Stability of Lithium Ion Conductors based on Lattice Dynamics,Energy & Environmental Science, 2018,
P. Jain, D. Bansal, G. Sharma, A. Bhattacharya, B. Ingale, O. Delaire, R. Chatterjee, Observation of low-temperature metastable states in complex CaMn7O12, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018,
D. Bansal, J.L. Niedziela, R. Sinclair, V. Ovidiu Garlea, D.L. Abernathy, S. Chi, Y. Ren, H. Zhou, and O. Delaire, Momentum-resolved observations of the phonon instability driving geometric improper ferroelectricity in yttrium manganite,Nature Communications, 2018,
R.R-Dehkharghani, D. Bansal, A. Aref, and G. Dargush, Analysis and optimal design of stress wave intensity attenuation in layered structures,International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2018,