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Prof. Darshan S.

Assistant Professor

ME Department

d.shah 'at'


Prof. Darshan S. Shah

  • Biomechanical Engineering

Musculoskeletal Biomechanics, Orthopaedics, Frugal Biomechanics, In-vitro testing, Mechanical Design

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PhD, Bioengineering - Imperial College London, UK (2017)
MSc, Bioengineering - Imperial College London, UK (2013)
Dual Degree (BTech, MTech), Mechanical Engineering - IIT Bombay (2012)

Assistant Professor - Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay (2021-present)
Postdoctoral Researcher - IORT, KU Leuven / UZ Leuven, Belgium (2018-2020)
Postdoctoral Research Associate - Bioengineering, Imperial College London, UK (2017-2018)

Teoh YX, Alwan JK, Shah DS, Teh WT, Goh SL, A scoping review of applications of artificial intelligence in kinematics and kinetics of ankle sprains: Current state-of-the-art and future prospects, Clinical Biomechanics, 2024,
Goeminne S, Salaets E, Coudyzer W, Shah DS, Degreef I, Scheys L,, Evaluation of reliability of dynamic scapholunate distance measured on 4D CT-acquired images, Journal of Wrist Surgery, 2024,
Berger P, Shah DS, Taylan O, Slane J, De Corte R, Scheys L, Vandenneucker H, Influence of total knee replacement constraint on frontal plane stability: an ex vivo investigation within a single implant line, Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2023,
Robberecht J, Shah DS, Taylan O, Natsakis T, Vandeputte G, Vander Sloten J, Jonkers I, The role of medial ligaments and tibialis posterior in stabilising the medial longitudinal foot arch: A cadaveric gait simulator study, Foot and Ankle Surgery, 2022,
Shah DS, Taylan O, Verstraete M, Berger P, Vandenneucker H, Scheys L, Can intraoperative intra-articular loads predict postoperative knee joint laxity following total knee arthroplasty? a cadaver study with smart tibial trays, Sensors, 2021,